Monday, 24 November 2008

My car attacked me D=

Was going home from college
And the sunroof fucking smashed!
Just without anything hitting it D=
Glass went everywhere!!!!
Me and Rob were like O_O
I have a cut on my shoulder =/
But seriously WTF
So I got home and called my mum
Who said it was my fault!!!
Oh yes
Whilst I was driving I felt the need to smash the sunroof!
It's so clear to me now
That's exactly what happened.
I can't wait for my new car to arrive on Wednesday.

Saturday, 22 November 2008

I don't get it.

Should I change?
Am I really too much like one the guys to be girlfriend material?

Maybe I am.

Just once I'd like someone to kinda like me in the way I like them.

I'm dissapearing for a bit ok.

I need to sort myself out.

Saturday, 15 November 2008

So Last Night...

...I was in Wolverhampton.
I've never been before but I ventured onto unknown ground with the best friend [Hannah] to go see a gig that one of my friend's was playing.
So being that I hadn't seen him since August I agreed to go to said gig and know I figured I'd give you an account of what happened.

Step 1:- We drove from college to the train station and of course on the way my car decided it was dying again.
Hannah: Kirsty the door is shaking D=
Me: I'm sure it's fine. Is it shut properly?
Hannah: I dunno. I think so.
*stops at traffic lights*
*Hannah opens and slams door shut*
Hannah: Oh it wasn't shut...
Problem solved.

Step 2:- We got a train to Birmingham. This was one of the weirdest journeys ever.
First when we pulled into Coventry there was an old couple on a bench eating an apple each. It was so funny cause the guy was chewing like a giraffe and had some massively disgusted look on his face.
Then there was some fat man sorting his bag out and he had his butt in my face D=
15minutes later the same guy had some massive thing cause the guy didn't check his pass, then felt the need to turn around and tell the guy behind him everything that this poor man had just heard/seen.
Of course there had to be a group on 6 girls suashed onto 4 seats going to see McFly ¬_¬. They were so LOUD! I wanted to slap them all. >_<

Step 3:- We had about 4 and a half hours to kill in Birmingham.
During this time we had donuts, went window shopping, got shouted at by a preaching black man and saw people street-dancing in a shop o_O.
We managed to kill 2 hours of it before getting bored.
We had no money left spare and so we decided to go off to Wolverhampton.

Step 4:- Very long tram ride. Quite depressing. Nothing interesting tbh.

Step 5:- We roamed around Wolvo for a bit. Getting kicked out of shops cause everywhere was closing. Then called my friend Shane to get directions to where we had to go.
Getting directions was epic fail, Shane is not a good sat nav.
Evenutally we found the place after roaming around for 20mins, getting followed by a scary old man and getting shouted at by skaters [something about chicken fillets o_O].
We went off to find a loo and killed another 30mins.
Then were sat on a doorstep cause we weren't allowed in yet.
During this time another scary [partially drunk] man kept asking if we were ok and winking at us and offering us his fun D=.
Then a fight almost started infront of us.
And after 4 phonecalls and a lot of name-calling I finally got Shane to come save us.

Step 6:- 2 hours at the gig. It was good.
Didn't get to see Shane's band play but oh well, felt kinda bad for leaving early v.v

Step 7:- Journey home. SURROUNDED BY MCFLY FANS!!!!!!!!
So frustrating >_< all I could hear was bloody mcfly songs.

Step 8:- Writing this blog. I kinda wish I didn't have to leave.
Yay for another 4 months without seeing Shane... not.
I miss him so much.
I hate saying goodbye.

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

High School Musical 3

This movie was possibly the cheesiest movie I have EVER watched.
Of course it had to be seen though, for the simple reason that it's HSM and it's in the cinema. It was seen for teh lulz =p

There's a song in it that really made me laugh.
Troy and Chad are in some random scrapyard and they're going on about the boys being back. It's the funniest thing ever! Purely because of the dance routine that goes with it xD
It was so entertaining.

Also there's a point where Troy goes to see Gabriella instead of going to Prom and they go past these post things that have trees going up them, at this point my friend leans over to me and says:
"OMG I thought that was bacon."

Yes because in stanmore college they grow giant strands of bacon that reach high above the clouds. =D

I suppose it coulda been worse though.... and besides I only paid £2.50 for it =P
Orange 241 wednesdays
Me and Hannah
Student ticket = £5
£2.50 each ;D

I can safely say I will NOT be buying the DVD.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Well that was weird....

A woman came into Wimpy today and asked for a cheeseburger without the burger.
The coversation went something like this:-

Me: Hi, can I help?
Lady: Yes... um... could a have a cheeseburger?
Me: Of course. Anything else?
Lady: Yes could I have that without the burger please?
Me: you want.... a cheese sandwich? o_O
Lady: No... just a cheeseburger without the burger.
Me: Yeah... that's a cheese sandwich.
Lady: Oh ok. *leaves*

Seriously of all the things to ask for.
Although I have been asked for an empty cup once.

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Don't you just hate....

When someone says they'll do something for you then don't do it?
When the weather ruins your plans?
When you spend ages on your hair then step outside and the wind trashes it?
When you get blamed for something that's not your fault?
When you're so ill you can't get out of bed?
When you look at the clock and realise you're late cause your alarm didn't go off?
When adverts make stuff look awesome when it's actually crap?
When your puppy chews up your favourite shoes?
When you lose your £20 earphones?

When you can't get that one person off your mind?
When you think about that person so much that you can't concentrate on anything else?
When you miss that person so much it hurts?
When you care about that person so much that you'll do anything to keep them happy even if it means watching them with someone else?
When you realise you're in love?
When you realise you can never have the person you love?

I know I do.

Saturday, 8 November 2008


I'm so sick of my mum it's unbelievable.
She keeps ruining any plans I have for any weekend because she says I don't spend enough time at home?!
I spend all freaking week at home!!

What makes everything worse is that no-one ever sees how she treats me.
Whenever I'm on blogtv or have friends round she acts so nicely towards me.
I'm sick of it.

She yells at me for EVERYTHING.
One of the most recent thing is the garden.
She told me that I have to park my car on the front garden, so I do.
I did warn her that it'd get trashed by my tyres but she didn't listen.
Recently there's been loads of rain so what I said would happen has happened.
The tyres have ripped up the turf and it's trashed the garden.
This is MY fault according to her.
After I told her parking my car on the grass would be a bad idea.

I really can't wait to move out.
I'm serious v.v
Maybe I should go to a uni in london or something.

Friday, 7 November 2008


College is actually depressingly boring when you've finished all your work before first break. 
I mean seriously no-one is online because they're in class or at work and everyone else around me is too busy working to talk.
Someone save me =/

My tutor just came over to ask if I'm gonna be ok to do my presentation this afternoon... well of course I am!
I still have like 15 minutes til break and I've done everything I need to do, the main reason for this being that I finished it the friday before half term.
I told her I would be ok... so she tapped me on the shoulder twice and said "Good Girl". WTF am I?! A dog?!
Psssssh v_v

I actually kinda can't wait until 4.
I'll get to go home.
I have stuff to do and people I wanna see back in Daventry but it'll all have to wait.

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Puppy Watch

You will never know how annoying it is til you try it.
Every 5 seconds he's stolen a shoe, or a leaflet, or a school book.
He just doesn't quit D=

Ike is like a Magpie.... cept he doesn't just take shiny things, he takes anything that's on the floor. He claims it as his own.

Someone come save me D=
I can barely use the PC cause I have to make sure he's not chewing up my DCs ¬_¬

Oh Good God....

I'm actually gonna start writing a blog.
I WILL do regular posts this time.
I WON'T let it die and rot in away as an unused webpage.

I promise ;]