Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Sooo.... yeah

I got dumped....
Didn't see that one coming


I don't see why it happened.
He's in the army
I suggested an open relationship cause he's gonna be in Germany months at a time and I feel that I'd be happier that way.
He then decided this means I'm cheating on him.
Because I'd have the emotional stability to be able to cope with 2 people at once....
I can barely comprehend being with one person never mind 2.

So it's back to being single for me.

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Sheffield Gathering

So I went to the sheffield gathering yesterday.
Started by leaving for Rugby train station to pick up GeorgieBOOM and Section58 [steve].
Once the car was loaded with bags, pillows, sleeping bags and people we headed off down the M1 for 2 hours...

However it got better!
ItsCalum010 is a REAL person!!
He is NOT made of the internet =D
ItsJo3y is also very REAL!
Good times.

Throughout the period of time we were by sheffield train station I managed to glomp 5 people and scare the crap out of 3 people. I scared georgie 4 times ;]
Then I had lunch in Tokyou [noodle place] with:-
Caroline - http://youtube.com/teenagestateofmind
Georgie - http://youtube.com/georgieBOOM
Jerry - http://youtube.com/jerryhcooke
Rhys - http://youtube.com/englishous
Ruth - http://youtube.com/xxnotlisteningxx
Sophie - http://youtube.com/domainoftheshadow
Dan - http://uk.youtube.com/user/tahninial
& Patrick

After that we had fun in the water fountains =D
3 degrees outside and I ran through the fountains several times.
It was fun whilst doing it but then it got cold....
So I went and brought new jeans ;]

Yeah too bad nobody could see a freaking thing!!!
There was so much smoke I swear I was choking D=
But it was epic ;]

Then the lovely Ruth offered me and georgie her spare room for the night
Better than sleeping in my car =]

Finally this morning we left the midst of Sheffield and found ourselves back on the M1.
We found ourselves have a race the cutest guy ever
Adorable hair and smile.
Nout wrong with a bit of flirting while you're driving eh?

I can safely say this was the best weekend in a long time.

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Happy New Year Guys.

Finally 2009!
This year is gonna be better because of a few goals I've set myself.

Firstly I'm gonna be a happier person this year. No more getting upset about stupid little insignificant things. As long as the world keeps spinning, my heart keeps beating and my lungs carry on breathing everything is perfectly fine.

Secondly by my 18th birthday [Feb 10th] I've promised myself I'd be a size 8. Bring on the hour jogs every morning and the smaller portions. I WILL be a size 8 and I'm not gonna stop til I am. I know alot of you will just tell me I'm fine the way I am but seriously I'm not happy with the way I look at all. I know that when I'm a size 8 I'll be happy with the way I look.

Finally my last objective. I will do whatever it takes to get onto the Animation course in Luton. I'm gonna work so hard to get what I want this year. I finally know where my life wants to take me and it's down the road of computer animation. Everything about it facinates me.

Goodbye dreary, lonely, grey 2008
Hello bright, shiny, new year ^_^