Tuesday 23 December 2008

why... Why... WHY?!

I've just gone 3 weeks with no internet and I can honestly say I've never felt so close to going completely awall in my life.

Before our internet got cut off I never realized how much my life depended on modern technology.

Even though I still had my mobile, it was almost impossible to organize meeting up with people.
Nobody ever had credit or ever answers their phone.
It's so frustrating.
This of course meant I missed out on 4 parties [granted I didn't have the money to get to them but yeah]
My social life completely collapsed for a while.

When I finally got online I had at least 2 videos from each of my subscribtions on youtube to watch.
I had 87 unread emails, 125 notifications on facebook and 17 myspace comments to catch up on.
Took me the best part of a day to get everything done.

I didn't notice how many TV programs I watch online either.
Family Guy and The IT Crowd being good examples.
I found that when I was bored I couldn't even watch TV because there was nothing on at the time I was bored.

There was a good thing that came from not having internet though.
I managed to lose 4 pounds because I found myself moving about when I was bored.
I took both my dogs on at least 2 walks a day.
I got my old dance mat back out and was having sessions on that.
Safe to say... if you wanna lose weight, lock away the internet ;]

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